The Negatives Of A Busy Lifestyle

Noone is blaming you for having a busy lifestyle; many of us do. Be it through the demands of family, work, or other life commitments; our schedules are often packed to the brim with things to do. But here’s the thing! We can sometimes get too busy. And because of this, our lives can suffer as a result.

Consider the examples within this article, and reflect upon them in relation to your life. Do they relate to you?

When we are too busy…

We get little time to relax. Finding me-time is important, as we will only face stress and burnout otherwise. Within your schedule, you need to mark time in your calendar for YOU.

Do something you enjoy

Put your feet up in front of the television. Have a spa day. Invest in something that will help you to relax, such as scented candles, new furniture, a hot tub, or a floatation tank.

If you are asking yourself what is a floatation tank, follow the link to find out more. You need to relax; both your body and your mind depend on it, so make room within your busy schedule before you hit exhaustion and suffer the consequences to your health.

We miss important opportunities

Think about it. How often have you said to somebody, “I can’t, I’m too busy.” It might be to your children when they ask you to play a game with them.

It might be to your partner when he reminds you about date night. It might be to your friends when they ask you to hang out with them.

And it might be to your boss when he/she asks you to take on extra responsibility.

Now, if you’re busy doing things that improve and enhance your life, then so be it.

But if you’re busy doing something that really isn’t worth your precious time, then you need to start prioritising.

Make time for your kids, as you will then have time to bond with them. Make time for your partner, as your relationship might deteriorate if you don’t.

Make time to let your hair down with your mates, as they might stop calling on you if you forever turn them down. And make time to do more at work (if it doesn’t distract from family life), as you might advance in your career.

We forget to add meaning to our lives

Don’t confuse motion with progress! Many of us do a lot within our day but achieve very little. Our time is full, but the end results might be meaningless.

So, ask yourself..

  • What have you done today?
  • How important were the tasks you busied yourself with?
  • How worthwhile were they to your life?

If you have been busy doing things of no great significance, then start to reflect upon them. Cut down on those tasks that aren’t particularly useful.

And with the time you then have available, fill it with things that are meaningful to you.

Get back to those hobbies you have struggled to get time for. Spend more time with your family and friends. Reconnect with your life goals;
scheduling in ways to achieve your goals instead of filling your life with things that take you further away from them.

Think about your life today

Are you experiencing the negatives of a busy lifestyle? If so, start to slow down, and refocus your life. You will miss out on a lot if you don’t, and your life will be worse off as a consequence.

We all get busy from time to time, but if you’re busy doing things that don’t really matter, then what’s the point?

Take time to reflect, and then make any lifestyle changes necessary to improve your life today.

Take care beautiful people , and thank you for reading 🙂

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post