How To Freshen Things Up In 2020

There’s much to love about entering a new year. It’s a chance to refresh, regroup, and make plans that’ll push you forward in various aspects of your life. And this new year is a little extra special, too — not only are we changing years, but we’re also entering a whole new decade! The 2010s have gone, for better or for worse, and now we have to set out what the 2020s will look like. If you’re looking to freshen things up, take a look better, where we outline some useful tips for doing just that…

Saying Goodbye

An excellent place to start is to take a look at the way you’ve been living and figuring out what’s good, and what needs to go. You’ll hopefully already have a pretty solid platform, but there will surely be elements of your life that you’re less than happy with.

It could be a bad habit that you’ve picked up, or it could be something to do with your career, or problems that are weighing you down.


As we enter the new year, look at taking these negatives and turning them into positives, either by adapting them or getting rid of them altogether.

New Activities

If you’re like most adults, then you’ve probably fallen into a set way of doing things. You’ll have your friends, the things you like to do, your rhythms.

But here’s the thing: they’re not set in stone, it’s not as if you’re locked into only those things. It’s a big world out there, with plenty of fun activities to enjoy.

If it has been a while since you last tried something new, look at picking up a new hobby. It’s one of the best ways to breathe new life into your lifestyle. And who knows, you might just discover a new passion.

Stepping Up the Wardrobe

One of the best ways to differentiate between “the old you” and “the new you” is to change your look. It’s the simplest way to mix things up and feel more positive moving forward. You can do this in a variety of ways, including changing your skincare routine and changing your hairstyle.

Perhaps the most fun way is to update your wardrobe, so look at picking up some new, upgraded clothing for the new year. Load up on new boots, cute sweaters, and cocktail dresses for those more formal events. You’ll feel like a brand new person as you step out into the world with your upgraded look.

Travel Adventures

Everyone loves travelling, but it does require a little bit of energy and enthusiasm to make it happen. When we’re going about our business, just living life, then this energy can be hard to come by.

But it’s a new year, so why not make travelling a priority?

It doesn’t matter whether you have children or not — there are always ways to go on travelling adventures. It’s all about thinking of those spots that you’ve longed to visit but never quite had the chance to visit, and making it happen.

You’ll find that a trip, especially a type of trip that you’ve never done before, helps push you forward in ways that can’t be predicted before you set off.

Meeting New Friends

You love your friends, of course you do, how could you not? But just as with hobbies, sometimes we close ourselves off to other options because we’re comfortable with what we’ve currently got. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s sometimes worth thinking about what new people can bring to your life. A little bit of new energy can be a great thing!

If you’re looking for new friends, put yourself in situations where it’s likely to happen. This can include taking a look at what’s available on, getting involved with charities and other good causes, and so on. You might just meet strangers who go on to become long-term friends.

Rediscover Old Interests

As life moves forward, we usually focus on what’s happening right in front of us. It’s generally not good practice to spend too much time looking backwards. But it is worth it, from time to time at least, as you might rediscover an old interest that, for various reasons, lay dormant.

Sometimes, we can move forward by getting in touch with past versions of ourselves. This can involve revisiting the place you grew up, picking up those hobbies that you gave up long ago, or just reaching out to the important people in your past who you’ve lost touch with.

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.