4 Things They Never Told You About Getting Pregnant

Are you thinking about trying for your first baby? This can be an exciting time and one filled with expectations. However, there are a few things that people probably never told you about getting pregnant. Here are some of the variables that you might want to be aware of…

It Is More Difficult Than You Think

It can be quite difficult for someone to get pregnant. In fact, trouble conceiving is more common than most people realise. According to research, ten percent of women will struggle to both get pregnant and stay pregnant. There are a few things to be aware of here.

First, even if you do have trouble, there are other options including an IVF clinic. This provides the support that women require and alternative ways for couples to conceive. It’s also possible that a few more attempts are all it takes.

It’s worth noting that not every couple will conceive with their first attempt. For some, it does take a little longer so it’s important to panic.

It Can Be Incredibly Stressful

Trying to get pregnant and the time after successful conception can cause a lot of stress for you both emotionally and physically. Preparing for this stress is a smart move because it will ensure that you have coping mechanisms in place that will help you deal with it and handle it effectively.

You need to make sure that you are taking time for yourself on a regular basis. You can plan weekends away to a spa or just settle down for an evening with a movie or a good book.

You Need To Wait Until You Tell People

It’s important to wait a little while before you tell people that you are pregnant. If you’re excited it can be tempting to tell people as soon as you get a positive result. If there is an issue with your pregnancy it’s more likely to happen during the first trimester.

Once you pass this period you’re further out of the woods, so this is when it’s best to tell people. The benefit of this is that if anything does go wrong, you won’t have to explain which can be difficult and honestly, quite traumatic.

The Phantom Pregnancy

This can rub salt in the wound if you’re trying and struggling to conceive. If you want a baby a great deal and you convince yourself that your last attempt was successful, it’s possible for the body to start acting like you’re pregnant.

You could get morning sickness, you could even start producing milk and yes, you may get a false positive on a pregnancy test. That’s why as difficult as it will be, it’s important not to get excited about a pregnancy until you get confirmation from a doctor.

The good news is that a phantom pregnancy doesn’t suggest that you won’t be able to conceive. It just suggests that you want it a great deal.

Hoping this helps you when you’re trying to get pregnant and ensures that it is a less stressful experience.

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post