Passions, Hobbies and Interests Should Not Stop After Motherhood

Pre Motherhood, fitness was my life! I attended my local Kickboxing Academy up to 3-5 times a week while completing various HIIT circuits and calisthenics at home. One might even go as far to say I was slightly obsessed with working out. Guess what… I was!

Why? I just LOVED the positive feeling and natural high that endorphins gave upon completing each workout, fitness session or exercise. I also was and still am extremely fascinated by the human body and its capabilities.

Being able to constantly push my body to its LIMITS both in strength and endurance is something I also loved and as I sit here typing this article I immensely miss doing all of those things that I used to before my firstborn Son arrived on this earth 2 and a half years ago.

You see after I became I mother I naturally stopped thinking about myself and my needs and threw myself into making sure that every single one of my Sons needs were met closely followed by that of my partner and my household.

There was simply no time in the day to think about me and would feel incredibly guilty if the thought of putting my needs first entered my mind as I thought it was selfish of me for doing so but it is only very recently that I realise that this approach is actually wrong! 

One simply cannot pour from an empty cup and with my 12 week old Daughter being the newest addition to my little tribe, I recognise more than ever the sheer importance of self care.

With little Eco starting nursery on 3rd September, I will have a bit more time on my hands when baby Fleur is asleep during the day and am really looking forward to reintroducing exercise, fitness and keeping active back into my daily regime. I might even just take up another Martial Art discipline! 

Life as in your passions, hobbies and interests should not stop after Motherhood and it’s has even got me thinking about Life Over 50, what I would have liked to have achieved before then and my goals and aspirations for that next stage in my life please god.

Do you have any passions, Hobbies or Interests you would like to reintroduce since becoming a parent? I’d love to know by leaving me a comment in the box below. 

Photo Credit: Hazpics Photography

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.