Bad Habits All Parents Need To Break

No one goes into parenthood intending to cause harm, but, unfortunately, this is just what some people do. Children start to mimic the behaviors of their parents from a young age, meaning that, if you show unhealthy and bad habits in front of yours, they’re likely to pick them up.

We all have our own faults, and that’s what makes us human, but, if you want to be the best parent you can, then you must be willing to change. Here are eight bad habits all parents need to break… 

1. Eating Unhealthy Foods

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Kids pretty much eat what they want to, and they certainly go through phases of being picky eaters, but if the only options you’re giving them are unhealthy surgery / processed foods on a regular basis then they will be more likely to request these certain foods.

After all, no child is going to ask for an apple when you’ve handed them a cake. For this reason, it’s important that you take a look at your diet and take steps towards improving it.

The best way to do so would be to cut down on the amounts of junk food you and your family consume such as refined sugar, carbonated drinks and processed foods and slowly introduce more fruits and vegetables. You can have treats, of course, but they should be just that and not be a regular occurance. 

2. Poor Table Manners

Unfortunately, it’s not just the food you eat, but the way you eat it, that can cause an issue. If you want your child to learn and display good table manners, then you need to set a good example and do it too.

That means staying seated until everyone is finished, using the cutlery provided, and keeping elbows off the table. Unless your children see you doing this all the time, they’ll assume that it’s okay to do the opposite, which can make mealtimes troublesome.

3. Lack Of Exercise

Exercise is vital for physical and mental health, which is why most schools have a physical education lesson once or twice a week.

However, if you want to keep your children feeling their best, then they need to get active every single day. Of course, it’s going to be tricky convincing them that this is what’s best for them if you refuse to do the same.

Because of this, you should find ways to exercise as a family, like walking the dog together, going on a hike or playing a game of sports.

4. Smoking Around Children

Smoking is a habit that can harm your children in a few ways. Not only can it lead to them picking up the habit themselves, but it can also cause illness and health issues such as Asthma, both for you and those around you, including your kids.

To prevent this, you should avoid smoking around your children at all. You should also consider quitting the habit, using alternatives, like the eCigs at Aspire E Cig UK, patches, or gum. It won’t be an easy habit to break should you consider giving up completely , but you will feel much better once you have.

5. Always Being Late

Punctuality is an essential lesson that all children should learn. Thankfully, it’s one that you can teach yourself by always being on time and explaining the importance of doing so.

Of course, there will be things beyond your control that make you late now and then, but making an effort to try to show up when you’re supposed to is the key.

This teaches your children a lot about time management and responsibility, while also setting them up for success later on in their lives, relationships and careers.

6. Negative Self-Talk

We all say things to ourselves now and then that aren’t very flattering. “Why am I so stupid?” “Wow, I look fat in this.” This behavior isn’t abnormal, but you should think twice before saying such things in front of your children.

After all, our kids look up to us and expect us to love and support them no matter what, but how can we do that if we don’t do this with ourselves? You need to learn to be kind to yourself, and your children will be able to do the same.

7. Badmouthing Loved Ones

Whether it’s your sibling, your partner, a teacher, or an in-law, chances are, at some point, someone your child loves is going to annoy you.

However, when this happens, you should avoid venting about them to your kids themselves.

They don’t need to hear the bad things you have to say, whether they’re deserved or not.

This puts them in an awkward position and forces them to pick a side. Instead, keep the problems between the adults and leave the little ones out of it! 

8. Communicate Positively

The way we communicate with our little ones is crucial to to their development.

We have all been guilty of saying words like ‘be quiet‘ ‘don’t‘ and we don’t say that etc but if we rephase these negative words into positive, gentler phrases like the ones shown below your children will be more encouraged to listen and not feel shamed. 

No parent in the world can say that they are perfect, but, a willingness to change does make all the difference. Some of these changes will take some time, but, as long as you keep trying to ditch your bad habits, you’re on the right track.

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post