Want More Out Of Life? Here’s What You Can Do…

If you’ve been thinking for a while that you want more out of life, there are things you can do to make it happen. You don’t have to accept that this is your life. If at any point you’re unhappy, it is within your power to do something about it. We’re all far more powerful than we tend to believe!  So, let’s get into it – What Can You Do If You Want More Out of life? Read on to find out…

1. Set A Goal

Start by setting a goal. It can be a big goal or a small goal, depending on where you are now. Goal setting can be a great way to help you to focus on one thing at a time without becoming overwhelmed. What do you want to do?

If you want to get fitter, start exercising three times a week. Setting the goal of ‘exercise 3 times a week’ is far more actionable and measurable than simply making your goal ‘get fit’.

Be mindful of your wording and make sure you set goals that you can actually stick to and measure.

2. Make A Compelling Plan

When you have a goal, make a compelling plan to reach it. So, using the last example: your goal is to get fit.

The first step is to get into the habit, so you’ll want to exercise a few times a week without fail, even if it’s just for 15 minutes.

Get up a little earlier and schedule it in. Track your progress once a week. Find a plan that you enjoy. Come up with steps that you can follow and take baby steps towards every day to complete.

Sometimes, it can help to work backwards from the end result if you’re not sure what your plan should entail.

3. Do Something Small Every Day To Move Closer To Where You Want To Be

Make sure you’re doing something every day to bring you closer to where you want to be, even if it’s just something small. Baby steps are how any and all goals are accomplished.

You can’t look at it as one giant leap from where you are now to where you want to be, as you’ll become overwhelmed and could end up procrastinating.

Many people also get analysis paralysis. Just do anything. It’s better than remaining stagnant, even if you make a mistake.

Source: Nick Fewings via Unsplash

4. Do Things That Make You Feel Like The Best Version Of Yourself

When you feel like the best version of yourself, you’re more likely to go about reaching your goals with a clear head, and with confidence. Things you can do to feel like the best version of yourself include:

  • Get plenty of sleep
  • Eat a diet rich in nutrient dense foods
  • Get some exercise regularly
  • Be mindful of your thoughts and which ones you entertain
  • Meditate
  • Come up with a morning routine that helps you to feel amazing as soon as the day starts
  • Read every day
  • Do something creative
  • Make self care a priority

5. Acquire As Much Knowledge As Possible

If you want more out of life, then knowledge is power. You can do courses, both online and in person, but you don’t necessarily need to enroll as a student to get results.

You can acquire knowledge in a cost effective way, sometimes even for free. Check out the UK’s newest sites in the industries you’re interested in.

Watch YouTube videos, and listen to podcasts and TED talks. You can teach yourself pretty much anything these days using the internet!

6. Expect Setbacks

Make sure you expect setbacks on your journey. Nobody’s progress is linear, and it’s unrealistic to expect it to be so.

Remember, though; it’s not really a setback if you learn something from it. If you can find a positive in a setback, then you’re still winning!

7. Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress can also help you to keep up momentum and striving to reach your goals. Again, with the fitness example; take progress pictures, measure your strength, and monitor your inches.

Find ways of tracking your progress that align with your goals and you’ll be able to see just how far you’re coming along and where you still need to improve.

Source: Danica Tanjutco via Unsplash

8. Become Aware Of Your Bad Habits And Tendencies And Work To Change Them

Being self aware is absolutely key if you want more out of life. Don’t ignore your negative traits and bad habits – we all have them to some degree.

Being able to assess your skills, talents, strengths, and weaknesses will help you to work on things and become even better at whatever it is you choose to do.

Work on replacing your bad habits with good habits and becoming the master of yourself.

With consistency and determination, you really can change anything that you don’t like.

9. Aim To Enjoy As Many New Experiences As Possible

Experiences trump possessions every single time. Aim to enjoy as many new experiences as possible and you’ll already feel more fulfilled in life.

You’ll also become more knowledgeable and cultured, and you can get more ideas for whatever it is that you want to do and achieve.

Many people admit that they feel like a better, more enlightened person once they’ve travelled more.  

10. Experiment More

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Try different things and pay attention to what lights you up and makes you lose track of time.

Being willing to try new things will enrich your life, even if you don’t carry on doing them.

Go to classes and seminars. Start up a business even if you think it might fail so you can learn from it and start a better one.

You won’t start the perfect business or make the absolute best decision right away. It comes from experience, and that comes from experimenting.

Have fun with it and don’t take life or yourself too seriously!

If you want more out of life, start implementing these ideas as soon as possible and you should notice a big shift in your experience!

Disclaimer: *This is a collaborative post*.