How To Manage Post Partum Hair Loss

One of the known side affects a woman may experience after giving birth is post partum hair loss or hair thinning. This is due to the ever increasing amounts of Oestrogen  produced within the body during gestation… 

What Causes Post Partum Hair Loss? 

This hormon causes hair to freeze during the growing or resting phase of the cycle, which is the reason for a thicker, lustrous mane during pregnancy.

Once a woman gives birth however, the Oestrogen in one’s body levels out and declines thus resuling in hair falling out. Don’t worry ladies, not every woman experiences this but for those that do you can be rest assured that it is completely hormonal related and does not mean you are deficient in nutrients.

My Experience of Post Partum Hair Loss

My daughter turned 4 months old today and recently I have been noticing mountains hair strands on my pillow, in my hair brush, coming out in small clumps on the rare occasion I get around to washing my hair children free and anywhere else I have been in our apartment.

I honestly feel like I’m shedding hair like a long haired dog! The small patches at both sides of my hairline are not evident until I scrape my hair back in a ponytail or bun, Admittedly this is something that caught me off guard when I first noticed a few weeks back.

After taking to Google for answers and now equipped with the knowledge that this process is completely hormonal puts my mind at ease that this process is indeed temporary and will not last forever.

Research suggests post partum hair loss can last anywhere between 3-12 months after giving birth but should you find yourself shedding hair at a rapid rate, or if the issue still persists beyond the the suggested time frame mentioned above, it may be worth discussing this with your GP or health professional in greater detail to rule out underlying conditions such as a thyroid imbalance.

Below are some useful tips I came across on how best to manage post natal hair loss  .

How To Manage Post Partum Hair Loss

I’m one for natural remedies where possible so it is worth booking an appointment with a reputable trichologist to discuss ones hair loss in depth. Philip Kingsley is the only one I know of via his haircare range. 

Using haircare products such as the Philip Kingsley’s range as an example should help restore a healthy mane over time please god.

Ensure to incorporate lots of protein into your diet as this aids hair growth and is known to strengthen hair folicles. 

Though this last tip is a tough one for me to even succeed at with two children under the age of 3, do try not to get stressed out on a regular basis!

Being stressed has a negative effect on on our precious bodies including our hair so try to implement a few relaxation techniques such as mindfulness, meditation or exercise into your regime whenever the daily stresses of life begin to take its toll. 

In other circumstances however, some may feel as though a hair transplant is needed if other tried and tested methods have not worked. 

Hair loss in women, including I, is part of an endless list we experience when we become a mother either for the first or subsequent time. Some may even say its part of Motherhood

Even if  post partum hair loss would make me go bald, I’d  personally take it on the chin, for I grew and gave birth to two healthy beautiful little humans that I  am extremely fortunate call my Son and Daughter 🙂 x