How To Start Your Studies Off On The Right Foot

If you have enlisted onto a new course at a university or college, then chances are you will be hoping for a good grade at the end of it all. Starting your studies off in the right way can set you up for good grades and exam results for years to come.

On the other hand, if you start unprepared for what’s ahead, you might spend the whole course feeling like you are trying to catch up.

Here are some top tips to help you start on the right foot with your college course or university degree.

The Basics

It might sound simplistic but to focus on your studies from the start, you need to make sure your basic needs are catered for. Your basic needs are food, water, and shelter.

Food and water are taken care of by ensuring there is money in your bank account. A student’s income could come from student loans, allowances from family members, or by earning through working alongside your studies.

The shelter can be trickier, as you may be moving to a new city to begin your course.

Find a reliable and trusted student accommodation provider with clean, warm, habitable premises.

If you are looking for student accommodation then click here to see high-quality rooms and studios in a variety of locations.

Create A Diary

Once you know when your lectures and seminars are, create a weekly diary for your studies. You may need to do a lot of additional reading for your course.

If you do not spend dedicated time on this, you will end up cramming your studies into the early hours of the morning trying to get it all done.

A diary will help you plan and ensure you can get your coursework done on time. There are some fantastic apps that can help you plan your study schedule and keep you on track.


Get the right gear to help you feel active, whether that’s swimming trunks, bike helmet, or running trainers. Exercising is good for your mental health but it is also a fantastic study aide.

Research has shown that physical activity can help your mind concentrate and boosts your memory too. So, if you are finding yourself losing focus and nothing is going in, then take yourself out and stretch your limbs.

The break will help your mind sharpen and the exercise will allow you to tackle the difficult studies afresh.

Discover Your Learning Style

Try out different approaches to learning. Some people find they grasp information visually, others prefer audio and others prefer practical learning.

Many of us may use a blend of all kinds of learning methods. Don’t just sit with your head in the books.

Try out drawing diagrams or typing it out or record the text and play it back to yourself. Find a method that suits you and the type of information you are trying to retain.

Finally, remember, enjoy your studies. At times coursework may feel like a drag but remember to take a step back and look at how hard you worked to get here.

Don’t let the time go by without enjoying the learning experience.