Using The Colour of Psychology To Decorate Your Home

*This is a sponsored collaboration with Thomas Sanderson* With our spare-room currently being transformed into a Montessori Inspired Play area for my 17.5 month old as well as updating the home office (previously the living room) to make it more practical for my significant other to work in, I have been busy putting together mood boards and drawing inspiration from the likes of Pintrest on how I want both projects to look once completed. Part of the transformation includes toying with the idea to paint the walls a different colour than the standard cream theme we have throughout our rented apartment, of course with my landlords consent.

Having always been fascinated with psychology I have always known that colours essentially effect everything we do, from the choices we make to having the ability to affect and influence ones overall mood but never actually applied this principle when choosing furniture items and colour schemes when decorating our home, that is until I came across Thomas Sanderson‘s latest blog post The Psychology of Colour and after reading it, I immediately had a new perspective on how I would go about giving the two rooms mentioned above an overdue makeover and a new lease of life.


I personally have always been drawn to different variations of the colours blue and purple (aged 13-18 my room was turquoise and navy), and was surprised to learn that lighter blue shades have a calming and stimulating effect which then in turn promotes productivity. At the moment we have pine office furniture (think desk, draws and table) but our home office really does lack a splash of colour and our own personal stamp! I guess part of the reason is that the apartment we have been living in for the past 10 years is not our own, so feel somewhat restricted to really decorate our home the way we would like. I quite the idea of having blue wall art décor and positive quotes to further promote productivity.


Moving onto Eco’s pending Montessori Inspired Play area, I think I will repaint the walls white and invest in white toddler friendly furniture but mix it up with bold bright colours in the form of wooden toys, art décor, a rug and educational materials.

Young children especially are naturally attracted to bright colours but at the same time one does not want a room that could overwhelm and overstimulate them hence wanting to keep the room white.

Which colours would you be drawn to choose when decorating your home? Let me know by leaving a comment below 🙂