Mini Interviews With UK Black Owned Businesses Beilicious Crystals and Zenerge Gemz

Today marks the 3rd #BlackPoundDay here in the UK and thought it would be fitting to kick start my Mini Interview Series featuring UK Black Owned Businesses across an array of different sectors and categories. If you follow me over on This Woman’s Word Instagram you would be familiar with my shift in perspective as I heavily document my healing and spiritual journey on via this platform.

So without further ado, In The Spotlight today are UK Black Owned Crystal Jewellery Businesses Beilicious Crystals and Zenerge Gems.

The Woman behind Small Business Beilicious Crystals

My name is Bei, I’m 45, married and living life the best way I know how to. I have a real passion for crystals and during my discovery of the vast holistic properties they hold, my initial appreciation of the beautiful appearance many crystals have, was further enhanced as I learned of their cleansing and said healing abilities.

When did you being your spiritual journey and what was the inspiration behind it?

I have been on a health journey for a number of years, following a health scare I had, which I have now fully recovered from.

This was the catalysis which challenged me to begin making changes and adopt a lifestyle which was more aligned with nature, tapping into mediation, health and fitness, which then evolved into working with crystals, incense and studying quantum health.

For those not familiar with this term, Quantum Health is a journey of opening up yourself to the accessible teachings via a variety of ways including breathing techniques, bringing awareness and acceptance to where you are currently at, setting intentions on where you’re going etc.

Essentially it is practicing emotional, mental, physical and energetic mindfulness.

How did Beilicious Crystals come to fruition?

I woke up one morning thinking I need to do something exciting and fulfilling, but what? I had brought a piece of jewellery (a Tourmaline wire wrapped pendant) from a lady online and I thought to myself… I could do this.

I’ve always had an interest in make jewellery from when I was at secondary school which was many many years ago but never really pursued it until now.

I made my very first piece during lockdown (a Black Tourmaline Copper Wire Ring), I fell in love with the process, and the creative mindfulness element, so this is how Beilicious Crystals was born.

What is your favourite crystal to work with and why?

Wow that’s a difficult question to answer, I have many… how do I choose! But If I have to choose then it would have to be Black Tourmaline.

For its protective element, neutralising and clearing of negative energies, I wear this crystal every day. It’s just one of the crystal I’m drawn to.

What is your favourite quote/mantra/affirmation?

All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in great avalanches of abundance, under grace in miraculous ways.

*interview concludes*

Thank you Beautiful Bei for sharing your story on the birth of your wonderful crystal healing jewellery business with me, my readers and wider audience. 

My Beilicious Crystals Amythest Wire Wrapped Ring

Fun Fact: Bei listed her 1st jewellery piece via her Esty Store on 31st May and since then has gained an impressive following of 2,360 + followers on Instagram and has made 38 sales so far. 

I cannot WAIT to watch your brand grow further. Keep on Queening Queen!

Now to shine the spotlight on one of my other favourite UK black owned crystal jewellery brands….

The Woman Behind The Small Business Zenerge Gemz

My name is Zenobia, my brand is Zenergë Gemz & I design & create crystal healing jewellery. Each Zenergë Gemz piece created is infused with love, light and positive energy, alongside the natural high vibes of each gemstone.

Created to help make your everyday life a little more beautiful, and a little more Zen.

When did you being your spiritual journey and what was the inspiration behind it?

My upbringing was very religious & very torn. My Mother a Jehovahs Witness. My Father a Muslim (both converted into their new faiths when I was young).

My personal spiritual journey was triggered whilst going through a divorce, which also lead up to my Saturn Return. I was about 26 & was triggered after reading ‘The Secret’.

The ideology was so new to me but it strongly resonated with me.

At this point in life, my friends were not on a similar spiritual path but the universe clearly knew I was ready because by absolute chance I became great friends with a client, who I would say to this day is my mentor & an absolute Earth Angel. She definitely had a huge impact on my spiritual growth & still does.

How did Zenerge Gemz come to fruition?

I have always loved making jewellery. From as young as 9 years old. I would take jewellery apart & create my own bespoke pieces. I also studied Art & Design which incorporated a small segment on jewellery design.

After having my second buba in 2017, I knew I did not want to return to my corporate working life.

They say that when you are inspired & in alignment with your creative spark to follow it. So I guess my Son triggered my creative flow.

Inspired action in its greatest form.

What is your favourite crystal to work with and why?

I honestly can’t choose just 1. But if I really have to, it would be Amethyst.

Amethyst was the first ever crystal I bought on a school trip, back in primary school & its energy is just phenomenal for spiritual growth.

What is your favourite quote/mantra/affirmation?

My favourite Mantra is definitely the below, by Deepak Chopra:

Joyful, Energetic Body

Loving, Compassionate Heart

Quiet, Alert Mind

Lightness of Being

*interview concludes*

Zenobia’s crystal jewellery designs are unlike anything that I have come across in the spirituality community and therefore stood out for me.

Unique pieces like her hand jewellery are incredibly sophisticated and elegant and look forward to new pieces like anklet bracelets being added toward the latter part of this year.

I recently purchased her stunning 1111 metal luxe chain as a way of acknowledging the archangels, universe and creator who continuously guide me, protect me and communicate messages with me on this spiritual journey.

Zenobia has kindly agreed to collaborate with me to give my beautiful readers and followers a discount on her gorgeous crystal jewellery. 

Simply use thiswomansword as your discount code upon checking out to enjoy 10% off your purchase.

Putting money back into our community is extremely important to me. I consciously make the decision to support Black Owned Businesses by making a purchase when I am able to.

I also support them by sharing their content  across my own social media platforms.

Looking forward to sharing my 2nd installment of this mini series in the coming weeks please god. 

Until next time x