Natural Brain Supplements

A fast and stressful way of life has a tremendous impact on human health. It seems people are distracted and forgetful more than ever. The negative trend in the occurrence of cognitive diseases in the younger population is continually growing.

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We need a healthy and vital brain in everyday life; for work, learning, and performing vital functions at all. If its performance weakens, our health can be in danger. Our cognitive skills are changing as we get older. Check this source to see how our memory ‘is aging’ over the years.

Forgetting is a natural process that we face every day and which we are all prone to. It usually comes with years, but we can prevent it by improving the quality way of life.

As a preventive, we don’t need medicines and ‘magical’ medical procedures – it’s enough to change some bad habits and enrich our nutrition with natural nootropic brain supplements.

Benefits of Natural Nootropics

Natural brain supplements served as a model for the development of popular synthetic nootropics, as seen on But people seem to neglect the benefits of these substances. ‘Brain foods’ are all around us, and the lack of these nutrients in daily nutrition affects central nervous system dysfunction.

Ginkgo Biloba

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Ginkgo biloba extract raises the level of enzymes that protect the nerve cells from deterioration. This plant is considered one of the oldest species on earth. For centuries, people used it to boost blood flow. Ginkgo also improves microcirculation inside the central nervous system.

Ginkgo biloba elevates the level of enzymes in the brain that act as neuroprotectors. They prevent free radicals released in stressful situations to damage the nerve cells. Although memory fades over the years, regular use of ginkgo based products helps to maintain optimal cognitive performance.

Creatine Amino Acid

Today, we have many preparations for better memory on the market. Some of them are creatine-based. People who eat enough red meat, eggs, and fish meet daily needs for this nutrient, while vegetarians and vegans should take creatine supplementation.

Given that these people use a concentrated form of creatine, they have improved data processing, better judgment, and thinking skills. This essential amino acid increases energy metabolism, which also affects the speed and accuracy of brain performance.

Fish Oils

Fish oil may cause some negative associations in us (parents gave it to us when we were kids, and the taste was awful), but this is one of the most potent natural nootropics.

Omega 3 acids found in these oils are a natural building element of the brain. And as our body can’t produce these acids, we should refill the ‘stocks’ continuously with sufficient intake of fish and seafood.

This nutrient has a vital role in the structure and normal functioning of the brain. Adding fish oils to meals, or taking it as a supplement, will significantly improve memory, even in older people.


Enjoying coffee and tea finally got the medical explanation. Caffeine has a significant impact on neurotransmitters.

These are chemicals that nerve cells produce and send through nerve fibers to other nerve cells in the form of signals. Caffeine stimulates the neurotransmitter named acetylcholine, which drives brain processes.

It also blocks adenosine, which is responsible for stopping these actions. This mild brain stimulation increase energy, good mood and alertness.

However, you should be cautious about entering caffeinated drinks. More about possible adverse effects find on this page:


Turmeric is known as a miraculous spice, which has numerous health benefits. It helps in the recovery of patients from degenerative cerebral diseases, but also to be used as a preventive therapy in people with genetic predispositions to Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease.

Curcumin, an essential nutrient from turmeric, belongs to antioxidants, which are crucial for general brain health. Short-term improvement is noticed in people who have memory and recall issues.

Consuming turmeric on a daily basis also stimulates the serotonin secretion, the agent in charge of good mood and motivation.

A healthy brain means a healthy life. As an organ that manages our entire body, its normal functioning makes us more thoughtful, more productive, and more rational in everything we do.

Through healthy nutrition, enriched with natural nootropic supplements, we help our brain to maintain optimal performance.

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post.