5 Ways to Make Your Beauty Routine More Eco-Friendly

It’s much easier nowadays to upgrade to a more sustainable beauty routine. With so many eco-conscious brands on the market, you can choose products that are ethically sourced, vegan, cruelty-free, and with minimal packaging.

There are also plenty of reusable beauty tools and accessories made from recycled materials.

As well as switching the products you use for a more sustainable option, it’s also important to change your attitude.

With a more minimalist approach, you can make your beauty routine more eco-friendly as well.

Here are 5 tips to make your beauty regime more eco-friendly.

Choose the right brands

Research the brands you buy and find out whether their values align with yours. You can look up the most popular sustainable beauty brands online, and read reviews.

Social media is also a great tool. You could research a little more about the brand’s history.

Alternatively, you could support local businesses and artisans that primarily use recycled materials and locally-sourced ingredients.

Always look for certifications or stamps stating the product is vegan, cruelty-free, and sustainably sourced.

Embrace minimalism

The best way to be eco-friendly is to switch to a more minimal beauty regime. This means reducing packaging where possible, for example. Consider refillable options.

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There are many shops that will refill shampoos and other bath products. Rather than buying a full range of cosmetics, choose one product you like and stick to it.

If you find a moisturiser that agrees with your skin type, there’s no need to buy several different ones.

Switch your tools

Switch disposable plastic tools for more sustainable beauty tools. You’d be surprised how many alternatives there are available.

You can upgrade your toothbrush, cotton buds, razor, face wipes, and more to an eco-friendly option.

Look for tools made from recycled materials or ones that can be washed and reused. It might be worth spending more on things like razors for a longer-lasting option rather than a disposable one.

Practise self-care

Consider alternatives to buying unnecessary products as well. Practise self-care instead. Get plenty of exercise, improve your sleep routine, and aim to maintain a healthier lifestyle in general.

Stress and fatigue will take their toll on your looks as well. Look into relaxation activities you can do in the home.

For a natural facelift, you could try facial massage, for example. Take care of yourself in general and you’ll feel more beautiful inside and out without as much environmental impact.

DIY herbal remedies

You could use essential oils for massage, aromatherapy, or even to DIY your own beauty products. You can make plenty of things with a couple of household items.

If you’re naturally green-thumbed, there are also various types of herbs you can grow in your garden.

Alternatively, you can order essential oils online and make your own concoctions in refillable bottles. Always check the brand uses sustainably-sourced ingredients.

This way, you can enjoy relaxing DIY spa treatments completely guilt-free. By being more mindful of the products you use, you can make your beauty regime more eco-friendly.