Who Said There Was No Gain Without Pain?

Nothing’s worse than the sting of the morning after an intense workout. Your muscles will probably feel so heavy that you can barely get out of bed. Every move you make will come complete with ripping pains you can’t ignore. Much like when you wake up with a hangover, you may even vow never to go to the gym again. Not if it means coping with this much pain.

But, I’m here to tell you that the idea of no gain without pain is nonesence. Admittedly, a little sting is inevitable when you first start. That’s because you’ll be working parts of your body which have never seen action before.

But, it isn’t normal for that pain to continue, nor is it necessary. In actual fact, there’s plenty you can do to ensure you don’t suffer for your efforts. If you don’t believe that, keep on reading to find out why everything you think you know is wrong… 

Warming up can stop muscle strain

We all know that warming up is essential when we exercise, but who actually takes the time that they should here? The majority of us rush through. But, that could be why your workouts leave you in so much pain.

Warm-ups serve one simple purpose; they protect your muscles from strain. By helping your body adjust and stretch gradually, warm ups ensure that your proceeding workout doesn’t shock your muscles.

That, in turn, ensures they’re lubed up and ready for whatever you throw at them. And, guess what? No strain = no pain.

Giving your body what it needs to aid healing

It’s also a falsehood to assume you need to put up with pre-workout pain. In reality, there’s no reason why you need to suffer.

There are plenty of things you can do to help aid your recovery. Sometimes, something as simple as the right diet can work here. The majority of bodybuilders, for instance, focus on protein-heavy foods.

That’s because protein can help muscles heal in half the time. Fibre and vitamin C are also pretty sound pre-workout options. You could even invest in something like the amino acids available from Muscle Rage to help yourself further.

A combination of amino acids can help reduce recovery no end. With these options in mind, it’d be madness to put up with any more pain.

Get into a routine

Far from being a sign of progress, continued pain after workouts is a sign you’re leaving it too long between sessions. If you’re in a regular exercise routine, your muscle x2s will stay lean and withstand what you throw at them.

If you keep stopping and starting, though, you’ll keep resetting yourself to zero. No wonder you’re in pain! While rest days are important, too many of them are going to do more harm than good.

As a general rule, then, you should aim to get down to business at least every other day. As easy as that, your muscle pain may become a thing of the past.

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post