Living Arrows Week 18 (2017) – A Love For Practical Life Skills

Welcome back to one of my favourite parts of the week, where I share with you beautiful people another installment of Living Arrows. 

For those not familiar it is a weekly series hosted by the lovely Donna Wishart of What The Redhead Said where parents are invited to share and capture moments in their little’s childhood. Here’s what Eco got up to last week…

Living Arrows

The #LivingArrows project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

Week 18

Within a blink of an eye my little Eco is now 14 months and 1 week old! After observing him play for a few months now I’ve come to the conclusion that he simply adores anything practical life related.

He will quietly sit and observe what Daddy and I does during our day, paying very close attention to how I unscrew his sippy cup, which button I press to turn on my phone, the dryer, one of his musical toys or undo the harness on his highchair to name a few.

He watches intently and will immediately want to have a go himself by making an ‘eir’ sound to get ones attention followed by spreading his arms out wide and opening and closing his hands (done when he wants to be given something).

Eco is truly is fascinated by knowing ‘how stuff works’ and makes an excited giggle whenever he manages to complete the action successfully whilst of course repeating it again and again and again.

It goes without saying that this little boy needs to be watched at all times because if you take your eyes off of him even for a few seconds this can happen…


Selfies taken by Eco using my phone camara. Thank goodness it wasn’t Facebook Live lol!

Now you’ve had a good giggle it’s back to the main post. After my observations of watching him play, I have decided to look into a Montessori setting at home and will begin the process by turning the spare room into a Montessori environment with acompanying materials, wooden open ended toys and sensory activities.


I am a true believer of children learning through play and know how crucial the early years are in terms of their development so want to create an environment that will allow him to develop and thrive socially, mentally and academically.

I’ll be turning in for the night once I’ve caught up reading everyone else’s #livingarrows submission.

Be sure to check back next week to find out what Eco got up to in Week 19.