Living Arrows Week 16 (2017) Eco See Eco Do!

Welcome back to my favourite part of the week, where I share with you beautiful people another installment of Living Arrows (yay to being on time for once!) For those not familiar it is a weekly series hosted by Donna Wishart of What The Redhead Said where parents are invited to share and capture moments in their little’s childhood. Here’s what Eco got up to last week…

Living Arrows

The #LivingArrows project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

Week 16

We now have a copycat on our hands, and imitates the many things he sees Daddy and I do, including but not limited to being on the phone, brushing his hair with the comb, washing his hair and hands, clicking his fingers, blowing his nose into tissue and also helping me with emptying the washing machine to name a few.

I’m truly loving this stage in his development as he is much more aware, alert and interactive with Daddy and I.

He also understands a great deal and can collect or point to objects  and such as his toy car, football, his MyPal Violet when asked where they are but I’m most impressed by him continously pointing at his chest whenever asked who is Eco. It’s just the cutest thing to witness and he does it with pride!


Overall, Eco is a very socialable little boy, flashing a big four teethed smile to anyone he makes eye contact with and LOVES to wave at people when out and about.

His newest thing is pointing at everything whilst saying phonic sounds and at present is extremely fascinated by the gorgeous flowers and big trees that we see along the way to our local park.

Of course there are trying and challenging days when he does not want to cooperate (changing his nappy and putting on his shoes, socks and coat to go outside being the top of this list) but it’s all part of the process of him growing up, learning actions and consequences and not being able to fully communicate in the form of speech just yet.


That said and without sounding like a broken record, I count my blessings daily for resigning from my dayjob in order to look after this little munchkin full time 🙂

I’m off to check out what the other #LivingArrows have been up to. Be sure to check back next week to find out what Eco got up to in Week 17.