Living Arrows – Week 13/52 (2017) 1 on 1 Fun Outside

Welcome back to another installment of Living Arrows hosted by Donna Wishart of What The Redhead Said. I’m posting a few days late again as Eco had his MMR vaccinations this week which meant he was my priority and centre of attention as he recovered from fever, feeling at weak and generally being a little grouchy. So without further ado, here’s what Eco and I got up to last week…

Living Arrows

The #LivingArrows project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”

  WEEK 13


Eco LOVES the playground in the park, especially when the opportunity presents itself to play on the swings and find it ever so cute and adorable when, in his high pitched baby voice sings ‘weeeeeee’ whenever being pushed. It melts my heart every time!


He still reaches out to hold my hand when we are walking outside (at home he roams about freely), but love that he is gaining confidence in his new found ability to let go on the odd occasion and explore.


I’m off to check out what the others in the Living Arrows community have been up to. Check back tomorrow to see what Eco and I got up to in Week 13 please god.

Until next time.