Living Arrows Week 20/52 (2017) Developemental Leaps and Night Weaning

Welcome back to one of my favourite parts of the week, where I share with you beautiful people another installment of Living Arrows. 

For those not familiar it is a weekly series hosted by the lovely Donna Wishart of What The Redhead Said where parents are invited to share and capture moments in their little’s childhood. Here’s what Eco got up to last week and the week before last (playing catchup once again!)…

Living Arrows

The #LivingArrows project originally took it’s name from a poem by Kahlil Gibran

“You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth”



Eco is fast approaching another developmental leap and so with this comes extra clinginess, crankiness and more than a few disruptions to his usual bedtime and sleep routine.

He’ll usually turn in for the night anywhere between 6:45pm and 7:30pm but this week it’s taken up to 3 hours of nursing on and off and trying to get him settled by way of rockin’, singing and patting before he eventually gave into fighting sleep and drifted off to dreamland.

Needless to say this has left me pretty much exhausted but know this phase will soon pass. He is also teething so hoping those pesky bottom teeth come through soon (he still only has 4 teeth).



Eco will be 15 months old next week please god and whilst I’ve loved our breastfeeding and bedsharing journey,  I am finally ready within myself to begin weaning him of the breast. My plan is to drop random daytime feeds first, followed by the morning and finally the afternoon nap (he is currently nursed to sleep).

I will only begin night weaning and transitioning him into his own cot which is flushed against our bed once I’ve successfully dropped all daytime feeds in order to make the change as gentle as possible on Eco as opposed to going cold turkey!

I am mentally preparing myself for a few difficult days / nights ahead whilst he adjusts as he’s always been nursed to sleep.

There will of course be tears but need to be strong and consistent in my approach in order for this to work (tips more than welcome beautiful people!)

Check back next week to see what Eco got up to in Week 21.